Organic Choice w/Broccoli City Festival
Broccoli City- Organic Choice 2022 Showcase
Broccoli City and MadeInTheDMV partnered to present “The Organic Choice” . The Organic choice was created to find upcoming artists with organic movements to represent Broccoli city during the Broccoli City Festival and to help artists create a sustainable brand. Local artists performed in front of a selected group of judges to be BCFEST “Organic Choice” . The Organic Choice is an artist who represents both brands and missions.
MadeInTheDMV produced a sold out show at Pie Shop DC featuring 15 artists who showcase talent to be selected to perform at BCFEST 22 in DC. Artist Cheakity and Gee Litt were selected. Both artists where given the chance to perform on the Main Stage and Indie stage at BCFEST.